Frédéric Laurin, PhD in economics
Professor in economics, UQTR
Member of the institut de recherche sur les PME
My academic interests are particularly directed at
- International trade, economic integration
- Regional economic development
- Economics of wine distribution in Quebec
- European economics and affairs
My academic interests are particularly directed at the analysis of regional economic development, international trade, economic integration and economic geography, and also the distribution of wines and alcohols in Quebec/Canada.
Academic Resume
My courses are available on the platform Moodle (access restricted to students). Here are the syllabus (in French)
- MBA6001– Managerial economics/Industrial organization
- ECN6006 – Economics of SMEs
- DIO6001 – The organization of the firm (short graduate program in Diagnostic and intervention in organization)
- ECA1010 – Macroeconomic analysis
- 2001-2007 – Ph.D. in Economics, Université catholique de Louvain, Centre for Operations research and Econometrics (CORE), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
- 2003-2004 – Graduate econometric courses, École Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Économique (ENSAE). Advanced courses (3) in panel data and in discrete data. Paris, France.
- 1997-2000 – M.Sc. in Administration – Applied Economics, École des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC), Institut d’économie appliquée, Montreal, Canada.
- 1996-1997 – Certificate in European Studies (graduate program), with specialization in European Law, Institut des Hautes Études Européennes, Strasbourg, France.
- 1993-1996 – B.A. degree in Arts – Economic Sciences & Political Sciences, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
Published papers
- « Trade and Regional Growth in Spain: Panel Cointegration in a Small Sample », Applied Economics, 2012, vol. 44, no. 4.
- « The Real Estate Risk Premium: A Developed/Emerging Country Panel Data Analysis », with J.-J. D’Argensio, Journal of Portfolio Management, 1999, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 118–132.
- « Les économies d’agglomération et la croissance des régions dans l’Union européenne” (Agglomeration Economies and Growth in the EU Regions)», with B. Gauthier & A. Lapointe, Revue d’Économie Régionale et Urbaine, no. 2, 2003, p. 210-234.
- «Où sont les vins? Le problème de la distribution des vins au Québec», (Where are the wines? The problem of the distribution of wines in Quebec), Éditions Hurtubise, Montréal, 2009.
Working papers and studies
- « Sovereign risk premiums in CEEC countries: a non-parametric matching method », Conference on International Finance at Trinity College Dublin (INFINITI), June 2012, Dublin (Ireland).
- « Géographie économique, éloignement et développement régional au Québec » (Economic Geography, Remoteness and Regional development in Quebec), Panorama des régions du Québec, Édition 2012, Institut de la Statistique du Québec, June 2012.
- « La mesure de l’entrepreneuriat en région – Identification et analyse des données entrepreneuriales discriminantes dans les régions du Québec » (Measuring Entrepreneurship in Regions), with P.-A. Julien, J. St-Pierre & M. Morin, Institut de recherche sur les PME (INRPME), Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, March 2012.
- « Impact d’une libéralisation partielle de la distribution des vins et alcools au Québec sur les finances du Gouvernement du Québec » (Impact of a partial liberalization of wines and alcohols on Quebec’s public finances), Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, March 2012.
- « Mondialisation et internationalisation des PME : Le comportement des PME manufacturières québécoises » (Globalization and Internationalization : the Behavior of manufacturing SMEs in Quebec), with J. St-Pierre, L. Raymond & S. Uwizeyemungu, Institut de recherche sur les PME (INRPME), CIRANO research report, Montréal, December 2011.
- « The Internationalization of SMES and the Relationship between Imports and Exports« , with J. St-Pierre, Institut de recherche sur les PME (INRPME), Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, October 2011.
- « Credit Access and Economic Development in Georgia », International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University (ISET), Tbilissi (Georgia), June 2010.
- « The Real Estate Conundrum in the CEE Office Markets: Thinking Too Big? », ISET Working Paper, Tbilissi (Georgia), June 2010.
- « Géographie économique, éloignement et restructuration industrielle dans les MRC québécoises » (Economic Geography, Remoteness and Industrial Change in Quebec’s regions), ISET Working Paper, Tbilissi (Georgia), May 2009.
- « The Real Estate Risk Premium: A Developed/Emerging Country Panel Data Analysis« , with J.-J. D’Argensio, CORE Discussion paper No. 2008/4, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), January 2008.
- « Trade, Growth and Structural Change in Spain’s Autonomous Communities ». Université catholique de Louvain, Centre for Operations research and Econometrics (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium), June 2007.
- « Mapping Specialization into Exports in Spain’s Regions« . Université catholique de Louvain, Centre for Operations research and Econometrics (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium), June 2007.
- « La localisation des industries et la spécialisation des régions de l’Union européenne » (The Location of Industries and Specialization in the EU’s Regions). European commission, July 2000, Brussels (Belgium).
Doctoral and MA dissertations
- «Trade, Specialization and Economic Growth in Spain’s Autonomous Communities». Doctoral dissertation, Université catholique de Louvain, Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales et politiques, Département des sciences économiques, juin 2007, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique).
- «L’importance des économies d’échelle locales dans la croissance économique des régions de l’Union européenne dans un contexte d’intégration économique» (The importance of Local Scale Economies for Economic Growth in the EU’s Regions in the Process of Economic Integration), Masters Thesis, École des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC), October 2000, Montréal (Canada).
Contrats de recherche
- « La fiscalité québécoise et le coût des services publics : une comparaison Québec – Canada – États-Unis« , (Quebec’s Fiscal System and the Cost of Public Services: a Comparison Quebec–Canada–USA), research for the Quebec Federation of University Students, Dec. 2004.
- « Le commerce international, la compétitivité et l’éducation« , (International Trade, Competitiveness and Education), research for the Quebec Federation of University Students (FEUQ), Sept. 2004
- “Management Education and Productivity in Canada”, research for the Canadian Federation of Business School Deans (CFBSD), March 2000.
- «Arguments anti-fusion: gare au simplisme – Montréal a besoin d’un leadership économique fort», (City Mergers: Montreal needs a Strong Economic Leadership), op. ed. published in Le Devoir, June 16, 2004.
- «Les fusions municipales sur l’île de Montréal: causes et processus», (City Mergers in Montreal: Causes and Process), Matinée d’études sur les communautés urbaines, January 2002, Brussels (Belgium).